ホッペ - お薬お届け!オンライン診療 | お薬手帳




The electronic medication notebook app "Hoppe" is an application version of the medication notebook used at pharmacies.

電子お薬手帳アプリ「ホッペ」は、薬局で使用するお薬手帳のアプリ版です。お薬を記録するだけでなく、オンライン診療・服薬指導機能や、かかりつけ薬局の薬剤師さんにお薬に関する疑問を聞く機能も搭載。健やかな生活のために、是非お役立てください。【基本機能】* お薬手帳機能* お家にいながら診療からお薬配送まで可能!オンライン診療・服薬指導* 「お先に処方せん」機能で、薬局に行く前に処方箋をかかりつけ薬局に送っておけば、お薬をもらってさっと帰れます* 服用アラーム機能で、忘れがちな食間のお薬も飲み忘れません* 薬に関する質問をアプリ経由で薬剤師さんにいつでも聞けちゃいます* 1つインストールすればご家族みんなで使えます-------* ユーザー登録時に利用規約がご覧いただけますので、ご確認の上、同意いただける方のみご利用ください* ユーザである皆様のデータやお薬のデータは、複雑に暗号化された状態で保存されますのでご安心ください* お薬データの自動登録機能はホッペクラブ加盟薬局で調剤・販売されたお薬のみが対象となります* ホッペ加盟薬局はアプリ内で検索可能ですThe electronic medication notebook app "Hoppe" is an application version of the medication notebook used at pharmacies.In addition to recording medications, it also has an online medical treatment/medication instruction function and the ability to ask a pharmacist at your home pharmacist about questions about medications.Please use it for a healthy life.[Basic functions]* Medicine notebook function* From medical treatment to delivery of medicine while at home! Online medical treatment and medication instruction* With the "prescription first" function, you can take a prescription before going to the pharmacy and send it to the pharmacy so that you can get your medicine and return immediately.*Dont forget to take the medicine you often forget between meals with the alarm function.* You can ask the pharmacist any questions about the drug via the app at any time.*If you install one, it can be used by the whole family.-------*The user agreement can be viewed at the time of user registration. Please use it only after confirming and agreeing.*Please be assured that all user data and drug data are stored in a complex encrypted state.* The automatic registration of drug data is only applicable to drugs dispensed and sold by Hoppe Club member pharmacies.* Hoppe member pharmacies can be searched in the appバグの修正を行いました